In this series, I created designs based on the digital photographs I took in the hope that by merging the real with the unreal, I can add a sense of surreality to the scenes we see in daily life.

The original photos depict how sunlight interacts with buildings in the city. I then "installed" 3D logos of Ethereum onto the surfaces of these buildings. These logos seem unyielding, crystal, and even fluid in a sense; however, they fail to reflect natural lights like the architectural surfaces do. These parasitic objects resemble dark matters in the universe: they are invisible but nevertheless emit a sense of austerity.

Through the making of this project, I reflected on my understanding of cryptocurrencies and NFTs: they have their own place and importance in today's society, but they also retain a certain level of aloofness that demands respect from people while at the same time deterring them from getting too close.



